800.258.8308 or 813.664.1171 packit@packvp.com

Project Snapshot:

The U.S. consumer is shopping for value. As co-packers, we are focused on positioning our manufacturing customers to respond to the value-minded customer. Because the cost to ship one bottle of dry shampoo is about the same as the cost of shipping three, value packs are good for the environment, good for our customer and good for the consumer.  So, it’s not surprising that one of our cosmetics customers asked us to create two-and-three pack bundles of their product for Amazon.



This project required that we shrink-wrap the set and place an FNSKU (Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit) label with Amazon SKU information over the top of the single bottle UPC code. This ensured that the multipack was not errantly scanned as a single bottle by Amazon. As part of our initiative with this customer to reduce cost, in the next phase of this project, we are now looking to place a colored shrink band on each set, which will cover the existing single-bottle SKUs and could result in double-digit savings to the brand. (The cost savings will come from the labor needed to apply the blank UPC coverup, the blank labels, and the FNSKU label.)


Pro Tip:

Continuously look at ways to boost labeling efficiencies.