800.258.8308 or 813.664.1171 packit@packvp.com

Proposed changes to Rule 204 (d) of the Food Safety Modernization Act would impact those who manufacture, process, pack or hold foods that the agency has designated for inclusion on the Food Traceability List. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s rule changes currently are under regulatory review, but it’s not too soon for CPGs and co-packers to get ready. As the draft rule is written today, the response time for recalls shrinks from the current 10 days to just 24 hours.

Fortunately, for co-packers with (Safe Quality Food (SQF) certification, swift recall capability already is a standard part of the process.

In our SQF evaluations, we traced, isolated and secured designated products in our “test recalls” within 30 minutes. We are proud that the Wheelhouse family of companies – South Atlantic, Versatile Packagers and ProStar Packaging, each have been proactive in implementing global food safety programs and systems with transparency and safety as a priority. All three companies are SQF certified with “excellent” ratings at our four facilities.

So, while some other co-packers may have to tighten up their safety standards in the coming months and years, our SQF certified facilities are ready today.